Thursday, December 2, 2010

petua berguna untuk cara menyimpan EBM..

guidelines ni aku ambil dari blog ..petua yang berguna dan boleh baca balik kalau dah lupa..=)

Salam to kawan-kawan…

Lamenye saya tak buat write-up tentang EBM…so, today is the day la..sbb arini mata saya sangat mengantuk mengadap agreements yg seolah-olah tak pernah surut dari pandangan mata ku ini…sangat la tension…so, saya amik mase around 15 minutes nie utk sesi berkongsi ilmu dengan sahabat-sahabat sepejuangan sekelian ye…

Entry ini berfokuskan kpd PENYIMPANAN SUSU PERAHAN (EBM). Mmg saya pernah ceritakan sebelum ni. But for this time around saya nak explain based on artikel dan research TERKINI tentang penyimpanan susu perahan nie…

These guidelines apply for mothers who have healthy full-term babies (check with your hospital personnel for guidelines pertaining to storage and handling of breastmilk for pre-term or ill babies).

Human milk has been found to have properties that protect it from bacterial contamination which allow it to be stored longer than was previously thought. Guidelines for breastmilk storage are as follows:-
  • Freshly expressed breastmilk may be kept at room temperature for up to 10 hours (colostrum or milk expressed within 6 days of delivery can be stored 12 hours at room temperature) *Untuk susu yg baru sahaja diperah, apa yg saya amalkan, saya akan biarkan susu tersebut berada pada suhu bilik terlebih dahulu. Around 15-20 minutes camtu. Pastu baru saya transfer ke dalam fridge ofis. Saya TIDAK PERNAH biarkan susu tersebut berada dalam suhu bilik more than 30 minutes la…saya nie risau lebih…so, bile ala2 dah sama dgn suhu bilik, terus transfer ke dlm fridge.*
  • Freshly expressed milk may be stored at temperatures slightly below room temperature (such as in a cooler with icepacks ) for up to 24 hours. If the milk has been kept at room temperature prior to being placed into the cooler, safe storage time in the cooler may be decreased somewhat.*Kalau diikutkan, kalau gune ice-pack MLO tu, jika kite gunakan TIGA (3) ice-packs sekali dalam SATU cooler bag, suhu sejuk tersebut akan bertahan selama 12 jam. Jadi pengiraan saya begini. SATU ice-pack boleh bertahan selama 4 jam (12 jam / 3 ice-packs = 4 jam). Saya cuma gunakan DUA (2) ice-packs shj jika ke ofis. Jadi EBM saya akan bertahan kesejukkannya selama 8 jam (4 jam x 2 = 8 jam) sahaja di dalam cooler bag. Ape yg saya lakukan, sampai je ofis, terus masukkan ice packs ke dalam freezer ofis. Dalam pukul 4 or 5 petang saya amik ice packs yg dalam freezer tadi dan masukkan ke dlm cooler bag. Pastu baru transfer semua EBM dalam cooler bag tersebut. So, by the time saya sampai umah, EBMs tersebut masih bertahan lagi sejuknye sbb belum sampai 8 jam lagi…so, rase selamat la sikit…Tapi lately saya bawak sekali chillers medela. So, saya bertambah yakin la bahawa EBMs saya selamat sejuknye sepanjang perjalanan pulang saya ke umah (boleh singgah gi Giant beli barang dulu, makan kat mamak, round2 carik umah dgn hubby etc etc…)*
  • Fresh breastmilk may be kept in a refrigerator for up to 8 days. Store milk in the back of the refrigerator rather than in the door. If milk has been kept at room temperature or in a cooler with icepacks prior to being placed in the refrigerator, safe storage time may be decreased.*Saya disiplinkan diri untuk TIDAK menyimpan EBM di bahagian fridge more than 3 days. Jadi maximum saya pernah simpan kat bahagian fridge HANYALAH 3 hari ye. Seboleh-bolehnya saya cepat2 transfer masuk ke dlm freezer the next day of perahan (kalau nak jadikan EBM tersebut sebagai stok la). Please take note gak, letakkan EBM anda di bahagian level paling atas fridge dan bahagian paling dalam (bukan di bahagian depan/pintu fridge). Ini untuk menjamin bahawa EBM tersebut berada pada tahap kesejukkan yg konsisten. Sebab kalau letak bahagian depan/pintu, suhunya akan berubah2 disebabkan kite akan selalu buka-tutup-buka-tutup peti ais kite…*
  • Fresh milk may be placed in a freezer compartment inside a refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. If it has previously been kept at room temperature, in a cooler, or in the refrigerator, storage time may vary.*Yg ni applicable utk peti ais SATU (1) pintu ye. Boleh simpan EBM kat bahagian freezer peti ais satu pintu up to 2 weeks ya…So, date kan betul2 all ur EBM, and make sure ianya digunakan before 2-weeks…*
  • Freshly expressed breastmilk may be kept in a self-contained freezer unit of a refrigerator for up to 3-6 months, depending upon how often the door is opened. Store milk in the back of the freezer. If the milk has been stored at room temperature, in a cooler with icepacks, or in the refrigerator prior to being placed in the freezer, safe freezing time may be decreased.*Yang nie untuk yg gune peti ais DUA (2) pintu ya…so, EBM yg disimpan dalam freezer peti ais dua pintu, bleh tahan up to 3-months to 6-months. But for me, i will only limit it up to 3-months. So, kene rajin rotate stock EBM la ye… =)*
  • Fresh milk may be placed in a separate deep freeze (chest-type freezer) for 6-12 months. If previously kept at room temperature, or stored in a cooler or refrigerator before freezing, storage time may vary.*Haaa..if hubby ade bajet lebih dan sebagai tanda kasih sayang and full support utk wife-tersayang-yg-sanggup-bersusah-payah-perah-susu-kat-opis demi anak tercinta, boleh la belikan wife deep/chest freezer. Mesti wife pon lg semangat nak buat stok byk2! Hehehe…bila dah ada stok byk2 dan freezer peti ais dua pintu pon dah tak muat nak letak lauk pauk, EBMs tersebut boleh la disimpan di dalam deep/chest freezer ya…dan ianya boleh bertahan dr 6 bulan hinggalah ke 1 tahun…very worth of investment ya encik-encik suami… =)!*
  • Previously frozen milk may be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours after it has completely thawed.*Frozen EBM/EBM yg dah dibekukan dalam freezer, kemudian dah dicairkan dengan memindahkannya ke bahagian bawah peti ais (fridge) hanya boleh bertahan selama 24 jam sahaja ye setelah ianya telah cair sepenuhnya. So, MESTI HABISKAN dalam masa 24 jam selepas ianya dah cair. NEVER EVER refreeze or tidak dihabiskan dalam masa 24 jam. Berilah yg TERBAIK untuk anak kite. Jangan sebab sayang nak buang susu frozen yg dah cair more than 24 hours, kite bagi anak kite minum jugak. Sian kat anak kite ye…Purpose kite bg die susu badan adalah untuk provide SUSU TERBAIK utk die. Jgn lupa MOTIF UTAMA kita ye!*
One last word about the guidelines:

Although the above is the latest published set of guidelines regarding safe storage times of breastmilk, keep in mind that these are just guidelines. It’s wise to try to stay as close to them as possible, but milk that is older than the stated safe age, should not be automatically discarded. Milk that is truly bad has a very distinct sour taste and odor. Even if expressed milk is “out of date” it should still be considered safe to give a baby as long as it still has a fresh odor and/or taste.*Last but not least, nie sume hanyalah guidelines ya kawan-kawan…ape2 pon kite kene conduct due diligent dengan cek sniri EBM sebelum kite decide utk buang…EBM yg dah rosak mempunyai bau masyam sgt taw! Saya pernah cium bau EBM saya yang dah rosak..memang masyam! So, jangan terburu-terburu buang without checking on the odor and kalau sanggup, bleh try rase sket…juz to make sure yg ianye betul2 dah masam laaa…tapi, cium bau je pon dah cukup utk kite pastikan yg susu tu dah tak elok for our baby’s consumption….*

Okie kawan2…hafal ye guidelines nih! =p!

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